65This little distinction & its the need it the walks to & fro, the opportunitythey gave for summing up a talk, or for some commentinformation, adding a few words of explanation, had - asfor instance that perhaps not one more than ten me in Englandbooks?[ood]did understand what Mr. Ramsay wrote, - or that Mrs.Ramsay as a girl had been something quite surprising -had looked beautiful, but ah but twenty years ago! -beauty was "of the k rare kind that improves. But shelooks sometimes terribly worn," - this little distinction haddrawn the two together, so that & their relation, in view of Mr.?[he]Bankes' age, & his being a widower had a something& a great botanist into the bargain had somethingfilial, paternal, colourless, cool, colourless, & to Lily Briscoean extraordinary restfulsingularly congenial, for she found Mr. Bankes quiteperson to bewith: like a?guest/great so wise;easy to talk to; She did not mind in the least if he sat &watched her painting. He told her, too, the most fascinating thingsabout plants. She found him a great standby; & nowAnd she could didn't mind telling him that she supposedsomething was left out in her, but she could notthatunderstand a word of Mr. Ramsay's wrote book.But'But Some knowledge of mathematics isshe hadfailed utterlyto understanda wordnecessary" said Mr. Bankes.He hadHe would tell her little stories about 'Ramsay' as hecalled him: how the first time he saw him he wasbreaking the ice in his bath with a poker.Lily observed that they scarcely spoke to each other.So he told her, incongruously, watching Ramsay; histall, watching him, sm half smiling:Yes, he had these oddities, Mr. Bankes seemed to say:fail toBut how could one not feel the extraordinary respectwhich Mr. Bankes felt for Mr. Ramsay?"Without a stitch of clothing on" he said.