153of the inadequacies of human relationships. That the most perfect waswith her love of him&flawed, could not bear the examination which she, in with herloving truth instinctively, turned upon it, & thus that she herselfwas convicted of unworthiness—some knowledge of this kindmay havebeenfretted thuswas the fretted her, ignobly; sad egotistically, && then, she could nothelp saying to Mr. calling out towas impeded, &made uneasy,& impeded in herproper function[?] lies exaggerationMr. Carmichael, as he shuffled past, & making him stopsomething friendly"Going indoors Mr. Carmichael?"she said.—
He took opium. The children said that he had stained his beardyellow with it; or but what was obvious to her was thatthe poor man suffered; was unhappy; came to them as ancame to themfor weeksescape, & (for all his learning, his prodigious learning,was awkward to have about the house) wasandalwaysyet feared her.She said to him, "I am going to thetown - do you want stamps, tobacco?" & she felt himfrom herabsolutely shrink away from her. Of course, There wasThe horror of it was, as she had seen once that his wife, aoncevulgar woman, was as had seen once, going tocall on them in St John's Wood, she had seen And his wifeasvisitwh was hiswifes doing;& that iniquityof hers towardhim, whichhad made(howodious[?])made that him do, by an iniquity of behaviour whichhadwould made her, Mrs. Ramsay, turn to steel & adamantthere in the horrid little dining room in St John'whenseen, with her own eyes, thatWood where she hadodious womanshe had seen poor Mr. Carmichaelturned out of the roomsnubbed. [?] heHe was unkempt, dropping thethingshe dropped the soupon his coat; & no doubt had allthe tiresomeness of an old man, who neglects himself; buthadvulgar