175 inclined to rather thought she had wished to tell Mr. Bankesrather thought she h had, looking up & looking down,arrived she had something to say about her; but before she hadsaid it - & it was nothing very something Mr. Bankes hadall put it out of her head entirely by his rapture. Forsuch it was, considering his age was turned sixty & hehad both the asperity & the cleanliness of a scientistspiritually againwore, almost spiritually, a white coat & smelt ofdisinfectants: For this elderly &For him to gaze ata raptureMrs. Ramsay like that was equivalent,Lily Briscoe felt, tothe loves of dozens of young men; but it was dis it waslove distilled & filtered; it was love that had neverbutattempted to clutch its object, but had &,like the loveof the which mathematicians bear their f symbols, &was meantto be spread over theworld & made partof the universalinheritancearti writers bear their visions, it it was intense &both intense & quite impersonal: The world should haveshared it, had it been in his power, he but it was not inMr. Bankes power to say why that woman so pleased him.Why the sight of her, reading fairy stories to her child inthe window, had upon him precisely the same effect as a thebeautiful solution of piece of work demonstration insolution of a scientific problem, so that he rested incontemplation of it, & felt (as if he had proved something aboutthatthe digestive system of plants) how the reign of chaos had wasbeen subdued.Such a rapture - for by what word was one to call it? -made Lily Briscoe forget entirely what she had been about tosay. It was nothing of importance; something aboutMrs. Ramsay.Yet, It paled beside this 'rapture'(an intense, impersonal, silent stare) of Mr. Bankes', forwhich she worshipped him; for she felt that