239the thingswished topretendedWhen he wishedthat he had not saidanswering what he saidBut with it all, It was distinctlyuncomfortable sometimes -But then Mrs. Ramsay thought, intimatingby pressing his arm, that she wished must stop for a momentwereto see whether those horrid moles were fresh molehills on thebank - then, she thought, he great minds must are bea man with a great mind like his, must be different.He wasKn Kennedy mustput upnettingHer husband was a great man, she thought.But It might be aif herabbit that had got in;& he would destroy all her plants, &of his greatness, she had not the least doubt; nor of theHe was a great man, & therefore must be different.AllAll the great men she had ever known were like that.She could remember anyAndone could not expectmanlittle And he was great.And though she had a sometimes laughed,importOxford & Cambridge were very serious things, she knew: & shesupposed degrees did matter, of course; & though she sometimeswas good for the young menmerely to see a man like hertolecturehusband; to see anybody & that heshould hear him ?toabouthis viewsongood.grudged these journeys to Cardiff& places, yet she knew,thereLocke, Berkeley & Hume -It was right; it wasWithout shooting rabbits,how was one to keepthem down;? she wondered., And observedabove the thintrees the exquisite silver moon; which but she saidnothing about it to her husband. for one thing becauseshe could not describethe pleasure it gave her -He might beginto talk aboutdeath.& then again, it would not give him pleasure, to look atcd. not resistshowingthe moon; HeBut shewould have him notice theEvening Primroses;"Very fine" he said, abstractedly, butto please her, stopped & fingered one;& pretended to look at themone of them; as he would pretend sometimesthat he had liked adress of hers, or had noticedsome arrangement in the house.Ah, but he was a great man; & that was William Bankeswalking Here was up & down the lawn with Lily Briscoe,she made out, focussing her shortsighted eyes upon thebacks of the retreating couple.I think there isShe foretoldthisamarriages.It would be a mostadmirable arrangementXIIIHume & theold lady