257notion what was happening to them exactly, or that the world couldcontain such feelings as his.To be believed in - & to be ?made ?one of:to fin he vowed he would be up at three & find her brooch, &put it on her plate; & take the boat to Edinburgh & buyanother; or somehow prove to her what he could do for her.And there And this mingled with the sudden sprinkled lightscoming out on the edge of the bay; bright, clearsparkling, rippling withdivine laughter& constant joy -lightthis mingled with that, & again he thought, as the?someof the town onthe sea.with great high?bushe hedgeswalking on & on& onalone along theroadthey came out on the road of the where it was lonely &brown-shaded, how awful the retreat was into themselves,into solitude, & bare existence together, man twohuman beings alone; passing walking along this road.But he would protect her; he would be up at dawn &?wouldfind her brooch; & the one personhe would tell was Mrs.Ramsay. Yes,Mrs. Ramsay. He would go straight to her.[?] telling her was hisreward, for it had been positivelyawful - asking Minta to marry him: far the worstthing he had ever done in his life: it was far worse thanbutany examination: &he had won. And?he would tellMrs. Ramsay.Tears rose in his eyes. He knew whyMinta had not beencrying for herbrooch ?if heknew.Minta had cried. It is half pain, he noted; thisextreme happiness is the most seriousthing in the whole?but happy inIt was allworldWas it not throughMrs. Ramsay who was theIt ishad come to him?She hadMrs. Ramsay who was thehad taught him how feelings - how one may have feelings - Shehad them these queer feelings - She had them, he knew; &her eyesHe had felt her eyes onhim all day long:she was thepresiding saintOne had saints.But Could one tell heranodiouswhat she had done for him- a stubbornlittle ass, of nmanthinking no end of himself,& no one caring a straw for him,until she took him up -All that was good inboth of them they owed -Minta owed it too. Andfollowing him;resting on him -he cd. ?himself