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39not vain, so that you could scarcely take her off her guard.Mrs. Ramsay thought almost almost the same thing of PaulRayley - how much nicer, she found stupidity than cleverness.& perhaps moreinscrutableFor the stupid have no ambition to thrust themselves forwards,& thus instead of always thinking am I being clever, am Ibeing admired they think whether one is hot or cold, whetherone mu feels the draught, or would like another a pear;She might sit thereforever, & Charles Tansley would neverremember to offer her a pear.But then PaulRayleyAnd would; & so, again sprfluttering herwings over the table & all these odds & ends of speech,which were like the little darts & dashes of trout, shefelt nogrudge against Charles Tansley, any more thanagainst that fish, for how there is no The reeds sawat the same time the reeds in the pool, & thewalls of brown water & the night, whenNancysurrounding them; when, having looked at thedeciding that after all she did not want a pear,shesuddenly saw Rose's creation, rising up like acrown or bouquet of flowers on the top of the water;with its beautiful curves, & its interstices, its hollows &huge bulges; something the extraordinarily& hereyesbeautiful it was she pl she too, like Mr.Carmichael, went plundering the fruit, ntrying first looking at the banana, then at the pears,& putting one colour against another, one curve, onehollow, without knowing why she did it, butgett each time she saw did it she wasbecame gradually more satisfied, & more until rising shesaw to & she called looked at Rose & Timothy &Prue & Andrew all sitting side by side, & thought