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THE WINDOWbrothers and sisters, and she would see to it thatthey didn’t laugh at him any more; she would tellPrue about it. What he would have liked, shesupposed, would have been to say how he had [∧]beengone notto thecircus butVW: marginal note on three lines. —peter.shillingsburgto Ibsen with the Ramsays. He was an awfulprig—oh yes, an intolerableinsufferablebore. For, thoughthey had reached the town now and were in themain street, with carts grinding past on thecobbles, still he went on talking, about settlements,and teaching, and working men, and helping ourown class, Extension[%]andlectures, till she gatheredthat he had got back entire self-confidence, hadrecovered from the circus, and was about (and[∧]nowagain she liked him warmly) to tell her—but here,the houses falling away on both sides, they cameout on the quay, and the whole bay spread out[%]before them and Mrs. Ramsay could not helpexclaiming, " Oh, how beautiful! " For the greatplateful of blue water was before her; the hoaryLighthouse, distant, austere, in the midst; and onthe right, as far as the eye could see, fading andfalling, in soft low pleats, the green sand duneswith the wild flowing grasses on them, whichalways seemed to be running away into somemoon country, uninhabited of men.

That was the view, she said, stopping, growing[stray mark]VW: accidental mark? —elizabeth.h.hansongreyer-eyed, gentler,[%]that her husband loved.

She paused a moment. But now, she said,25