TO THE LIGHTHOUSErhapsody of which he was ashamed, but in which herevelled—he turned abruptly, slammed his privatedoor on them; and, Lily Briscoe and Mr. Bankes,looking uneasily up into the sky, observed that theflock of starlings which Jasper had routed with hisgun had settled on the tops of the elm trees.V"And even if it isn’t fine tomorrow," said Mrs.Ramsay, raising her eyes to glance at William Bankesand Lily Briscoe as they passed, "it will be anotherday. And now," she said, thinking that Lily’s charmwas her Chinese eyes, aslant in her white, puckeredlittle face, but it would take a clever man to see it,
"and now stand up, and let me measure your leg,"
for they might go to the Lighthouse after all, andshe must see if the stocking did not need to be aninch or two longer in the leg.Smiling, for it was an admirable idea, that hadflashed upon her this very second—William and Lilyshould marry—she took the heather-mixture stock-ing, with its criss-cross of steel needles at the mouthof it, and measured it against James’s leg."My dear, stand still," she said, for in his jeal-ousy, not liking to serve as measuring block for theLighthouse keeper’s little boy, James fidgeted pur-42