THE WINDOWto be far more beautiful than she was, said Mrs.Ramsay. He saw no trace of it, said Mr. Ramsay."Well, then, look tonight," said Mrs. Ramsay. Theypaused. He wished Andrew could be induced to workharder. He would lose every chance of a scholar-ship if he didn’t. "Oh, scholarships!" she said. Mr.Ramsay thought her foolish for saying that, abouta serious thing, like a scholarship. He should bevery proud of Andrew if he got a scholarship, hesaid. She would be just as proud of him if he didn’t,she answered. They disagreed always about this,but it did not matter. She liked him to believe inscholarships, and he liked her to be proud of Andrewwhatever he did. Suddenly she remembered thoselittle paths on the edge of the cliffs.Wasn’t it late? she asked. They hadn’t come homeyet. He flicked his watch carelessly open. But itwas only just past seven. He held his watch openfor a moment, deciding that he would tell her whathe had felt on the terrace. To begin with, it wasnot reasonable to be so nervous. Andrew couldlook after himself. Then, he wanted to tell her thatwhen he was walking on the terrace just now—here he became uncomfortable, as if he were break-ing into that solitude, that aloofness, that remote-ness of hers .... But she pressed him. What hadhe wanted to tell her, she asked, thinking it was103