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THE WINDOWlation, like God himself, to millions of ignorant andinnocent creatures, and then took her hand awaysuddenly and let the sun stream down. Out onthe pale criss-crossed sand, high-stepping, fringed,gauntleted, stalked some fantastic leviathan (shewas still enlarging the pool), and slipped into thevast fissures of the mountain side. And then, let-ting her eyes slide imperceptibly above the pool andrest on that wavering line of sea and sky, on thetree trunks which the smoke of steamers madewaver upon the horizon, she became with all thatpower sweeping savagely in and inevitably with-drawing, hypnotised, and the two senses of that vast-ness and this tininess (the pool had diminishedagain) flowering within it made her feel that shewas bound hand and foot and unable to move bythe intensity of feelings which reduced her ownbody, her own life, and the lives of all the peoplein the world, for ever, to nothingness. So listeningto the waves, crouching over the pool, she brooded.And Andrew shouted that the sea was coming in,so she leapt splashing through the shallow waveson to the shore and ran up the beach and was carriedby her own impetuosity and her desire for rapidmovement right behind a rock and there—oh,heavens! in each other’s arms, were Paul and Mintakissing probably. She was outraged, indignant. She115