THE WINDOWawake; Charles Tansley waking them with hisbooks falling—oh, no, that she had invented; andPaul having a wash-leather case for his watch.Which should she tell him about?"They’re engaged," she said, beginning to knit,"Paul and Minta.""So I guessed," he said. There was nothing verymuch to be said about it. Her mind was still goingup and down, up and down with the poetry; he wasstill feeling very vigorous, very forthright, afterreading about Steenie’s funeral. So they sat silent.Then she became aware that she wanted him to saysomething.Anything, anything, she thought, going on withher knitting. Anything will do.“How nice it would be to marry a man with awash-leather bag for his watch," she said, for thatwas the sort of joke they had together.He snorted. He felt about this engagement ashe always felt about any engagement; the girl ismuch too good for that young man. Slowly it cameinto her head, why is it then that one wants peopleto marry? What was the value, the meaning ofthings? (Every word they said now would be true.)Do say something, she thought, wishing only tohear his voice. For the shadow, the thing foldingthem in was beginning, she felt, to close round her183