Not a breath of wind blew. The waterchuckled and gurgled in the bottom of the boatwhere three or four mackerel beat their tails upand down in a pool of water not deep enough tocover them. At any moment Mr. Ramsay (Jamesscarcely dared look at him) might rouse himself,shut his book, and say something sharp; but forthe moment he was reading, so that Jamesstealthily, as if he were stealing downstairs on barefeet, afraid of waking a watch-dog by a creakingboard, went on thinking what was she like, wheredid she go that day? He began following herfrom room to room and at last they came to aroom where in a blue light, as if the reflectioncame from many china dishes, she talked to some-body; he listened to her talking. She talked toa servant, saying simply whatever came into her287