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141V31st Jan.

His son hated him. He hated him for coming up to them, &stopping, & looking down on them; he hated him for interruptingthem; he hated him for the exaltation & sublimity of hisgestures, & the magnificence of his head, & the atmosphere oftenderness & aloofness & exactingness & egotism [?] (forthere he stood commanding them to attend to him) which hebrought with him - Most of all he hated the vibration inemotionthe air, the twang & twitter, whichofhis father's emotions,made & the way in whichfor it seemed to him fo which hisfathers presence wrought in the ease & simplicity of thethe completewhich disturbed the perfect simplicity &good sense of hisrelations with his mother. Then he Taking no noticemake himlooking fixedly at the page, he hoped that the to avoid move on,Byhim; he longed desperately for his father to move on; hepointingfingerat a wordheld the book open, whenby putting his hand on thepage he hoped to recall his mothers attention, which, he feltstood demanding sympathy.the very second his father stopped, seemed to go waveringIndeed he could feel, without any change of position,But no. nothing would make Mr. Ramsay go.There he