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145Flicking her needles, she blew the words back at him, on thewith on the crest of one of those waves, which now that shebeingseemed to run through her, making of her her bound &roll leap forward while it remained perfectly controlledHe was not a failure. Charles Tansley thought him thegreatest philosopher of the age.But he must have more than that. He mustHe must have sympathy. He must be Charles Tansley, yes,?but hewell enough; but Tansley was a a young man, ayoung ?mansolitary, & after all, somehowameagre young manWell then, the University of Leeds ?of Manchester, of Liverpool,Universities all over the world in short (but notablyMrs. Ramsay no did not exaggerate; she spoke soundly &[?] to obvious wellknown facts) wished imploredhim to lecture; just to come there. The Americanswould give him, she did not know what sum, merely tohe wanted sympathylive among them. But his senses must be restoredto him; he must be assured, somehow, that he livedin the heart of things, was no forlorn speculatortangling his feet in cobwebs.Look at all this thenBut it was all his; & Flashing her needles, lookingonce over her shoulder, once into the garden, Mrs.himRamsay assured herhusband, by her vitality, herself-competency, her complete assurance, - & thelovely energetic poise of herbody so upright & ?properpoised in her chair, how the house was full; & thegarden full, & behind the drawing room was thekitchen; & above the kitchen the bedrooms; howlife came pouring in a spate round them& a word or two[?asked] of the children of the[?mar]