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181But Lil Lily would protest, she could not leave her home;her father; her sisters; brothers; she would even dare, to as thewhitenight drew on, & between the pale light parted thebedroom curtains, to proclaim the fact her deny forherself at least the the necessity of marriage; wouldher own exemptionon the lawurge that Mrs. Ramsay's law did not apply to her;& sothe ahave to meet that serious, intent, almost exasperatingstare, w from eyes which with all their beautyof unparalleled depth; & the to front the confrontMrs. Ramsays perfectly simple ex conviction, Mrs. Ramsaysinscrutable - entire & unshakable certainty, that she was afool.The, Lily remembered, it was hop impossible; then shelap one mustremembered, one had to lay one's head on her knee; & laugh -untillaugh - laugh - & Mrs. Ramsay said [?]the thought of herto laugh & laugh at Mrs. Ramsay, presiding so sternly sobeautifully so unquestioningly over yet somehow sowomenmistakenly over the destinies of others. But into whatwith simplemisunderstandingsanctuary had one penetrated? Lily Briscoe hadmade herself looked up at last; & there was Mrs. Ramsayunwitting entirely what caused her laughter, still presidingserene; but on but now with every trace of the tyrant, of thewilfulness abolished; & in its place the calm of tropica placeseas where the halcyon hovers; thesomething soft as thenight & as pure as childhood;which the clouds,having trailed [?] ct & flowed,at last uncover - onehad the sense of looking upinto somethingOne looked up at lengthinto that little space of skywhich is quite steadfast,near the moon.